A House becomes a Home?
It does when the users are equally involved in the design process. It should be comfortable to live in and should respond to the local climate and context.
The Ongoing pandemic has caused much damage, not only in our socio-economic structure but also in our daily livelihood which displays our inability in most fields. The pandemic shut off all our activities and locked us in our living room. Sadly, we look at our habitual space as just an existing space. This pandemic allows us to get to know about our space and livelihood as a whole.
Do you know physical and mental wellness depends on your space?
Scholars say spaces designed with good ventilation and lighting will help you attain emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental balance which leads to obtaining inner peace.
How important is Ventilation
Ventilation is the essential process of replacing indoor air with fresh outdoor air. Without this process, the building becomes susceptible to stagnant air, where bacteria and viruses make indoor air more polluted than the outside air. Ventilation helps to improve digestion rate, blood pressure, and heart rate and strengthens the immune system,
“All leading to a healthier and happy lifestyle which we always dreamt for”
According to the minimum ventilation standard, three air exchanges are required for the living room as well as six air exchanges for the kitchen.
As Architects in Chennai, while considering the planning services for houses we follow the below points to improve their efficiency of them.
UIDC #1. Locate the building Perpendicular to the direction of Air, which helps to increase air movement inside the building.
UIDC #2. Determine the Window position in such a way, it helps the wind to pass through the whole space before it escapes from the room.
UIDC #3. Use a Small inlet that helps to accelerate the air velocity and a larger, wider outlet that helps to dispose of more stale air from the room.
UIDC #4. Plan the inlet opening at the sill level which is three feet from the floor level and the outlet opening at the lintel level which is seven feet from the floor level. It helps dispose of indoor air which makes the space more humid.
UIDC #5. Design the space with a Small Landscaped Courtyard which helps to replace indoor air with fresh outdoor air and a natural decrease in the temperature level.
UIDC #6. Verandah, a well-known element act as a traditional transition space between public and private spaces. In contemporary designs, the verandah is adopted as a balcony which ensures thermal comfort for inhabitants.
“Nature and buildings”
Grow the friendship between two